Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Q&A Tom

When were you happiest?
My wedding day

What is your greatest fear?
Dying young

What is your earliest memory?
Climbing a mango tree

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Intolerance of idiots

What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Idiotic behaviour

Aside from property, what's the most expensive thing you've ever bought?
My last car

What is your most treasured possession?
My fishing reel

What would your superpower be?
To soar like an Eagle

What makes you unhappy?
Nice food

If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose?
My great grandfather

Who would play you in the film of your life?
John Wayne

What's your most unappealing habit?
Probing my proboscis

What is your favourite smell?

What is your favourite word?

What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?
A cowboy

Is it better to give or to receive?

What do you owe your parents?

What is the love of your life?
Life itself

Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?
My great grandfather Thomas the Convict

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

What is the worst job you've done?
Splicing a sewerage conveyor

If you could go back in time, where would you go?
Early 1800's in Australia

When did you last cry and why?
When my mum died

How do you relax?
I fish a lot

What is your signature dish?
Fried Rice
What was your best Christmas present? 
My Alvey Reel ( this year I am getting an Alvey Telescopic rod to go with it )
What was your most embarrassing moment? 
Standing on Ceremonial Guard at Victoria Barracks when the Brigadier drove in.
I snapped to attention and saluted him. At the same time a gust of wind blew off my White Pith Helmet and revealed that the chinstrap was not attached to the helmet.The clip which holds the chinstrap to the helmet was missing.So there I stood my chinstrap tied firmly in place under my chin with a bootlace, and tied it in a big bow on top of my head. Meanwhile my spotless white helmet did cartwheels down bloody Oxford Street being dodged by traffic.
The Brigadier said  "What's your name soldier?"
"Private Mayers, Sir." 
"Are you sure it's not Gomer Pile?"
"No Sir."
"Sargent, get Private Pile a new helmet, with a chinstrap."
What is the closest you've ever come to death?
When I had tetanus

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Three wonderful kids

What song would you like played at your funeral?
Another One Bites the Dust by Queen

How would you like to be remembered?
Someone who loved life

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