Saturday, 3 August 2013

Amused at the old Hippodrome

Spent a hot sticky Friday indoors at the Great Yarmouth Hippodrome with Will, posing as Victorian snobs in taffeta and pearls. It was like entering Angela Carter's "The Magic Toyshop". This place is all the better for its neglect and total absence of curation.   
Will collecting shots for his next painting.

The natural light gave these ready-made sets a Vermeer quality.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

My first cyanotype

My first cyanotype.
I sold this painting a few years ago so it's nice to have another incarnation
of it and one that is so beautiful (if I do say so myself.)
It looks better in real life. 

5 Kids

This is for Matt, Michelle and their recently created tribe. It's not quite The Brady Bunch
but I'm sure they'll be a handful.