Sunday 20 March 2011

Days out in London

Spring is here at last, time to come out of hibenation.

Greenwich Mean Time
Greenwich Park on a sunny Saturday morning in Spring. Views, joggers, children and daffodils. Greenwich market is well worth a rummage, especially if you are peckish. The Royal Maritime Museum is free and fabulous. There is ample and cheap parking nearby.

Midday, 18 March at the Royal Observatory

20 minutes away in Nunhead is one of the Capital's great cemeteries. Park free at the front gates. The grounds are maintained but in a very unfussed way. This is Gothic Central as nature and masonry engage in a century-long battle for domination. 

Such a cliche, I couldn't help snapping it.

The Red House at Bexleyheath was designed by Philip Webb for William Morris. It is an Arts and Crafts sampler of a house. We've wanted to visit since it opened to the public in the 90s. Morris' ambiance is still strong in the house. A sense of his melancholy fills many of the spaces. May Morris scratched her name in a window pane and Janey shared her affections.

You can imagine Rossetti climbing standing atop the settle recounting poetry and nonsense.

The design is aesthetically perfect. Airy, high ceilings, big windows, homely and full of such tasteful decoration.

Sunday 13 March 2011


The stump used to be on dry land. We haven't visited this windswept disappearing corner of Suffolk for many years. The pigs have been moved back from the cliff and we kept our distance too.